Kind 2 Input¶
Kind 2 reads input models written in an extension of the dataflow Lustre language (see this primer for a quick introduction to the Lustre language). Kind 2 supports most of the Lustre V4 syntax and some elements of Lustre V6. See the file examples/syntax-test.lus for examples of all supported language constructs.
Properties and top-level node¶
To specify an invariant property to verify in a Lustre node, add the following annotation in the body (i.e. between keywords let
and tel
) of the node:
--%PROPERTY ["<name>"] <bool_expr> ;
or, use a check
check ["<name>"] <bool_expr> ;
where <name>
is an identifier for the property and <bool_expr>
is a Boolean Lustre expression.
In addition to invariant properties, Kind 2 also accepts dedicated syntax for checking the existence of a witness. You can specify reachability properties of the form:
--%PROPERTY reachable ["<name>"] <bool_expr> [from <int>] [within <int>];
or, using a check
check reachable ["<name>"] <bool_expr> [from <int>] [within <int>];
where the clauses between square brackets are optional.
The optional clauses allow you to specify, exclusively or at the same time,
a lower and upper bound on the number of execution steps in the witness trace.
Concretely, check reachable P from m
asks whether a state satisfying P
is reachable in m
steps or more while
check reachable P within n
asks whether a state satisfying P
is reachable in n
steps or less.
Moreover, Kind 2 also supports the following syntax for the specification of properties where
the lower and upper bounds are the same:
check reachable ["<name>"] <bool_expr> at <int>;
Without modular reasoning active, Kind 2 only analyzes the properties of what it calls the top nodes. By default, any node that is not depended on by another node (i.e. called by that node) is a top node. Alternatively, nodes can be marked as main nodes by doing the following:
--%MAIN ;
to the body of that node.
You can also specify the main node in the command line arguments, with
kind2 --lus_main <node_name> ...
Main nodes specified by the command line option override main nodes annotated in the source code. If any main nodes exist then only main nodes are analyzed (top nodes are not).
The following example declares two nodes greycounter
and intcounter
, as well as an observer node top
that calls these nodes and verifies that their outputs are the same. The node top
is annotated with --%MAIN ;
which makes it a main node. The line --%PROPERTY OK;
means we want to verify that the Boolean stream OK
is always true.
node greycounter (reset: bool) returns (out: bool);
var a, b: bool;
a = false -> (not reset and not pre b);
b = false -> (not reset and pre a);
out = a and b;
node intcounter (reset: bool; const max: int) returns (out: bool);
var t: int;
t = 0 -> if reset or pre t = max then 0 else pre t + 1;
out = t = 2;
node top (reset: bool) returns (OK: bool);
var b, d: bool;
b = greycounter(reset);
d = intcounter(reset, 3);
OK = b = d;
--%MAIN ;
Kind 2 produces the following on standard output when run with the default options (kind2 <file_name.lus>
kind2 v1.5.1
Analyzing top
with First top: 'top'
| concrete: intcounter, greycounter
<Success> Property OK is valid by inductive step after 0.065s.
Summary of properties:
OK: valid (k=5)
We can see here that the property OK
has been proven valid for the system (by k-induction).
The second example demonstrates reachability properties using a single counter
node counter () returns (out: int);
out = 0 -> pre out + 1;
check reachable out = 10;
check reachable out = 100 from 99;
check reachable out = 50 at 50;
check reachable out = 15 from 10 within 20;
check reachable out = 10 within 5;
Kind 2 produces output reporting that the first four expressions are reachable, while the last is not.
If you want to print a witness in the standard output for each proven reachability property,
pass --print_witness true
to Kind 2. To dump the witness to a file instead,
pass --dump_witness true
to Kind 2.
Conditional Properties¶
Invariant properties of a node are often case-based, with each case describing what
the component should do depending on a specific situation.
These properties are usually encoded in conditional properties of the form
situation => behavior
, and are often better represented in terms of the mode logic of
a node (see subsection Modes in Contract Semantics).
However, these properties do not always imply modal behavior, or
they are not defined in terms of the interface of a node.
For those cases, Kind 2 allows the user to specify a conditional invariant property
of the form B => A
as follows:
check A provided B;
This dedicated syntax makes writing properties more straightforward and
user-friendly, but also allows Kind 2 to trigger additional checks.
A challenge for the user with these kinds of properties arises if the guard B
may always be false, for example due to a modeling error.
The user may believe that the property is interesting and true,
whereas the property is vacuously true.
When the dedicated syntax above is used, Kind 2 simultaneously checks that
B => A
is invariant and B
is reachable. If B => A
is in fact invariant,
the reachability check lets you know whether the implication is trivially true
or not. Notice that when running Kind 2 in modular mode, the reachability check is
performed locally to a node without taking call contexts into account;
only the specified assumptions are considered.
You can disable this check by passing --check_nonvacuity false
to Kind 2,
or by suppressing all reachability checks (--check_reach false
A contract (A,G,M)
for a node is a set of assumptions A
, a set of
guarantees G
, and a set of modes M
. The semantics of contracts is given
in the
Contract Semantics
section, here we focus on the input format for contracts. Contracts are
specified either locally, using the inline syntax, or externally in a
contract node. Both the local and external syntax have a body
composed of items, each of which define
a ghost variable / constant,
an assumption,
a guarantee,
a mode, or
an import of a contract node.
They are presented in detail below, after the discussion on local and external syntaxes.
Inline syntax¶
A local contract is a special comment between the signature of the node
node <id> (...) returns (...) ;
and its body. That is, between the ;
of the node signature and the let
opening its body.
A local contract is a special block comment of the form
External syntax¶
A contract node is very similar to a traditional lustre node. The two differences are that
it starts with
instead ofnode
, andits body can only mention contract items.
A contract node thus has form
contract <id> (<in_params>) returns (<out_params>) ;
To use a contract node one needs to import it through an inline contract. See the next section for more details.
Contract items and restrictions¶
Ghost variables and constants¶
A ghost variable (constant) is a stream that is local to the contract. That is,
it is not accessible from the body of the node specified. Ghost variables
(constants) are defined with the var
) keyword. Kind 2 performs type
inference for constants so in most cases type annotations are not necessary.
The general syntax is
const <id> [: <type>] = <expr> ;
var <id> : <type> = <expr> ;
For instance:
const max = 42 ;
var ghost_stream: real = if input > max then max else input ;
An assumption over a node n
is a constraint one must respect in order to use
legally. It cannot depend on outputs of n
in the current state, but
referring to outputs under a pre
is fine.
The idea is that it does not make sense to ask the caller to respect some
constraints over the outputs of n
, as the caller has no control over them
other than the inputs it feeds n
The assumption may however depend on previous values of the outputs produced
by n
Assumptions are given with the assume
keyword, followed by any legal Boolean
assume <expr> ;
Unlike assumptions, guarantees do not have any restrictions on the streams they can depend on. They typically mention the outputs in the current state since they express the behavior of the node they specified under the assumptions of this node.
Guarantees are given with the guarantee
keyword, followed by any legal
Boolean expression:
guarantee <expr> ;
A mode (R,E)
is a set of requires R
and a set of ensures E
Modes are named to ease traceability and improve feedback. The general syntax
mode <id> (
[require <expr> ;]*
[ensure <expr> ;]*
) ;
For instance:
mode engaging (
require true -> not pre engage_input ;
require engage_input ;
-- No ensure, same as `ensure true ;`.
) ;
mode engaged (
require engage_input ;
require false -> pre engage_input ;
ensure output <= upper_bound ;
ensure lower_bound <= output ;
) ;
A contract import merges the current contract with the one imported. That
is, if the current contract is (A,G,M)
and we import (A',G',M')
, the
resulting contract is (A U A', G U G', M U M')
where U
is set union.
However, each contract import introduces its own namespace to avoid
name collisions.
When importing a contract, it is necessary to specify how the instantiation of the contract is performed. This defines a mapping from the input (output) formal parameters to the actual ones of the import.
When importing contract c
in the contract of node n
the actual input parameters of the import of c
cannot depend on
outputs of n
in the current state.
The reason is that the distinction between inputs and outputs lets Kind 2 check
that the assumptions requirements make sense, i.e. do not depend on
outputs of n
in the current state.
The general syntax is
import <id> ( <expr>,* <expr> ) returns ( <id>,* <id> ) ;
For instance:
contract spec (engage, disengage: bool) returns (engaged: bool) ;
let ... tel
node my_node (
-- Flags are "signals" here, but `bool`s in the contract.
engage, disengage: real
) returns (
engaged: real
) ;
var bool_eng: bool = engage <> 0.0 ;
var bool_dis: bool = disengage <> 0.0 ;
var bool_enged: bool = engaged <> 0.0 ;
var never_triggered: bool = (
not bool_eng -> not bool_eng and pre never_triggered
) ;
assume not (bool_eng and bool_dis) ;
guarantee true -> (
(not engage and not pre bool_eng) => not engaged
) ;
mode init (
require never_triggered ;
ensure not bool_enged ;
) ;
import spec (bool_eng, bool_dis) returns (bool_enged) ;
let ... tel
Mode references¶
Once a mode has been defined it is possible to refer to it with
where <mode_id>
is the name of the mode, and <scope>
is the path to the
mode in terms of contract imports.
In the example from the previous section for instance, say contract spec
a mode m
. The inline contract of my_node
can refer to it by
To refer to the init
A mode reference is syntactic sugar for the requires
of the mode in question.
So if mode m
mode m (
require <r_1> ;
require <r_2> ;
require <r_n> ; -- Last require.
) ;
then ::<path>::m
is exactly the same as
(<r_1> and <r_1> and ... and <r_n>)
N.B.: a mode reference
is a Lustre expression of type
just like any other Boolean expression. It can appear under apre
, be used in a node call or a contract import, only legal outside the mode item itself. That is, no self-references are allowed. Forward references are allowed.
An interesting use-case for mode references is that of checking properties over the specification itself. One may want to do so to make sure the specification behaves as intended. For instance
mode m1 (...) ;
mode m2 (...) ;
mode m3 (...) ;
guarantee true -> ( -- `m3` cannot succeed to `m1`.
(pre ::m1) => not ::m3
) ;
guarantee true -> ( -- `m1`, `m2` and `m3` are exclusive.
not (::m1 and ::m2 and ::m3)
) ;
Merge, When, Activate and Restart¶
Note: the first few examples of this section illustrating (unsafe) uses of
are not legal in Kind 2. They aim at introducing the semantics of lustre clocks. As discussed below, they are only legal when used inside amerge
, hence making them safe clock-wise.Also,
are actually not a legal Lustre v6 operator. They are however legal in Scade 6.
A merge
is an operator combining several streams defined on complementary
clocks. There is two ways to define a stream on a clock. First, by wrapping its
definition inside a when
node example (in: int) returns (out: int) ;
var in_pos: bool ; x: int ;
in_pos = in >= 0 ;
x = in when in_pos ;
Here, x
is only defined when in_pos
, its clock, is true
That is, a trace of execution of example
sliced to x
could be
step |
in |
in_pos |
x |
0 |
3 |
true |
3 |
1 |
-2 |
false |
// |
2 |
-1 |
false |
// |
3 |
7 |
true |
7 |
4 |
-42 |
true |
// |
where // indicates that x
The second way to define a stream on a clock is to wrap a node call with the
keyword. The syntax for this is
(activate <node_name> every <clock>)(<input_1>, <input_2>, ...)
For example, consider the following node:
node sum_ge_10 (in: int) returns (out: bool) ;
var sum: int ;
sum = in + (0 -> pre sum) ;
out = sum >= 10 ;
Say now we call this node as follows:
node example (in: int) returns (...) ;
var tmp, in_pos: bool ;
in_pos = in >= 0 ;
tmp = (activate sum_ge_10 every in_pos)(in) ;
That is, we want sum_ge_10(in)
to tick iff in
is positive. Here is an
example trace of example
sliced to tmp
; notice how the internal state of
(i.e. pre sub.sum
) is maintained so that it does refer to the value
of sub.sum
at the last clock tick of the ``activate``:
step |
in |
in_pos |
tmp | |
pre sub.sum |
sub.sum |
0 |
3 |
true |
false |
3 |
nil |
3 |
1 |
2 |
true |
false |
2 |
3 |
5 |
2 |
-1 |
false |
nil |
nil |
5 |
nil |
3 |
2 |
true |
false |
2 |
5 |
7 |
4 |
-7 |
false |
nil |
nil |
7 |
nil |
5 |
35 |
true |
true |
35 |
7 |
42 |
6 |
-2 |
false |
nil |
nil |
42 |
nil |
Now, as mentioned above the merge
operator combines two streams defined on
complimentary clocks. The syntax of merge
merge( <clock> ; <e_1> ; <e_2> )
where e_1
and e_2
are streams defined on <clock>
and not <clock>
respectively, or on not <clock>
and <clock>
Building on the previous example, say add two new streams pre_tmp
node example (in: int) returns (...) ;
var tmp, in_pos, pre_tmp, safe_tmp: bool ;
in_pos = in >= 0 ;
tmp = (activate sum_ge_10 every in_pos)(in) ;
pre_tmp = false -> pre safe_tmp ;
safe_tmp = merge( in_pos ; tmp ; pre_tmp when not in_pos ) ;
That is, safe_tmp
is the value of tmp
whenever it is defined, otherwise it
is the previous value of safe_tmp
if any, and false
The execution trace given above becomes
step |
in |
in_pos |
tmp |
pre_tmp |
safe_tmp |
0 |
3 |
true |
false |
false |
false |
1 |
2 |
true |
false |
false |
false |
2 |
-1 |
false |
nil |
false |
false |
3 |
2 |
true |
false |
false |
false |
4 |
-7 |
false |
nil |
false |
false |
5 |
35 |
true |
true |
false |
true |
6 |
-2 |
false |
nil |
true |
true |
Just like with uninitialized pre
s, if not careful one can easily end up
manipulating undefined streams. Kind 2 forces good practice by allowing
and activate ... every
expressions only inside a merge
. All the
examples of this section above this point are thus invalid from Kind 2’s point
of view.
Rewriting them as valid Kind 2 input is not difficult however. Here is a legal version of the last example:
node example (in: int) returns (...) ;
var in_pos, pre_tmp, safe_tmp: bool ;
in_pos = in >= 0 ;
pre_tmp = false -> pre safe_tmp ;
safe_tmp = merge(
in_pos ;
(activate sum_ge_10 every in_pos)(in) ;
pre_tmp when not in_pos
) ;
Kind 2 supports resetting the internal state of a node to its initial state by using the construct restart/every. Writing
(restart n every c)(x1, ..., xn)
makes a call to the node n
with arguments x1
, …, xn
and every time the
Boolean stream c
is true, the internal state of the node is reset to its
initial value.
In the example below, the node top
makes a call to counter
(which is an
integer counter modulo a constant max
) which is reset every time the input
stream reset
is true.
node counter (const max: int) returns (t: int);
t = 0 -> if pre t = max then 0 else pre t + 1;
node top (reset: bool) returns (c: int);
c = (restart counter every reset)(3);
A trace of execution for the node top could be:
step |
reset |
c |
0 |
false |
0 |
1 |
false |
1 |
2 |
false |
2 |
3 |
false |
3 |
4 |
true |
0 |
5 |
false |
1 |
6 |
false |
2 |
7 |
true |
0 |
8 |
true |
0 |
9 |
false |
1 |
Note: This construction can be encoded in traditional Lustre by having a Boolean input for the reset stream for each node. However providing a built-in way to do it facilitates the modeling of complex control systems.
Restart and activate can also be combined in the following way:
(activate (restart n every r) every c)(a1, ..., an)
(activate n every c restart every r)(a1, ..., an)
These two calls are the same (the second one is just syntactic sugar). The
(instance of the) node n
is restarted whenever r
is true and the resulting
call is activated when the clock c
is true. Notice that the restart clock
is also sampled by c
in this call.
Partially defined nodes¶
Kind 2 allows nodes to define their outputs only partially. For instance, the node
node count (trigger: bool) returns (count: int ; error: bool) ;
var once: bool = trigger or (false -> pre once) ;
guarantee count >= 0 ;
mode still_zero (
require not once ;
ensure count = 0 ;
) ;
mode gt (
require not ::still_zero ;
ensure count > 0 ;
) ;
count = (if trigger then 1 else 0) + (0 -> pre count) ;
can be analyzed: first for mode exhaustiveness, and the body is checked against its contract, although it is only partially defined. Here, both will succeed.
The imported
Nodes (and functions, see below) can be declared imported
. This means that
the node does not have a body (let ... tel
). In a Lustre compiler, this is
usually used to encode a C function or more generally a call to an external
node imported no_body (inputs: ...) returns (outputs: ...) ;
In Kind 2, this means that the node is always abstract in the contract sense. It can never be refined, and is always abstracted by its contract. If none is given, then the implicit (rather weak) contract
assume true ;
guarantee true ;
is used.
In a modular analysis, imported
nodes will not be analyzed, although if their
contract has modes they will be checked for exhaustiveness, consistently with
the usual Kind 2 contract workflow.
Every output of an imported node is assumed to depend on every input.
This may lead Kind 2 to detect circular dependencies that do not exist
in an _actual_ system, resulting in the rejection of an input model.
To make Kind 2 accept such model, the imported node must be refined
by decomposing it into smaller subnodes and specifying the actual
dependencies among inputs and outputs.
Partially defined nodes VS imported
Kind 2 allows partially defined nodes, that is nodes in which some streams
do not have a definition. At first glance, it might seem like a node with no
definitions at all (with an empty body) is the same as an imported
It is not the case. A partially defined node still has a (potentially empty) body which can be analyzed. The fact that it is not completely defined does not change this fact. If a partially defined node is at the top level, or is in the cone of influence of the top node in a modular analysis, then it’s body will be analyzed.
An imported
node on the other hand explicitly does not have a body. Its
non-existent body will thus never be analyzed.
Kind 2 supports the function
keyword which is used just like the node
but has slightly different semantics. Like the name suggests, the output(s) of
a function
should be a non-temporal combination of its inputs. That is, a
function cannot depend on the ->
, pre
, merge
, when
, or activate
A function is also not allowed to call a node, only other functions.
In Lustre terms, functions are stateless.
In Kind 2, these restrictions extend to the contract attached to the function,
if any. Note that besides the ones mentioned above, no additional restrictions
are enforced on functions compared to nodes.
In particular, functional congruence is not enforced on
partially defined functions, imported functions, and
functions abstracted by their contracts. That is,
Kind 2 might return a counterexample where two calls to an abstract function
with the same input values provide different output values.
To prevent this kind of counterexamples from happening, Kind 2 offers an option
called --enforce_func_congruence
which enforces
abstract functions to behave as mathematical functions.
The downside of using this option is that the IC3QE engine and
IC3IA engine with the Z3qe or cvc5qe options are forced to
shut down because its current implementation cannot reason about
the resulting system.
Functions are interesting in the model-checking context of Kind 2 mainly as
a mean to make an abstraction more precise. A realistic use-case is when one
wants to abstract non-linear expressions. While the simple expression x*y
seems harmless, at SMT-level it means bringing in the theory of non-linear
Non-linear arithmetic has a huge impact not only on the performances of the underlying SMT solvers, but also on the SMT-level features Kind 2 can use (not to mention undecidability). Typically, non-lineary arithmetic tends to prevent Kind 2 from performing satisfiability checks with assumptions, a feature it heavily relies on.
The bottom line is that as soon as some non-linear expression appear, Kind 2 will most likely fail to analyze most non-trivial systems because the underlying solver will simply give up.
Hence, it is usually extremely rewarding to abstract non-linear expressions away in a separate function equipped with a contract. The contract would be a linear abstraction of the non-linear expression that is precise enough to prove the system using correct. That way, a compositional analysis would i) verify the abstraction is correct and ii) analyze the rest of the system using this abstraction, thus making the analysis a linear one.
Using a function instead of a node simply results in a better abstraction. Kind 2 will encode, at SMT-level, that the outputs of this component depend on the current version of its inputs only, not on its previous values.
If statements and frame conditions¶
Within node definitions, Kind 2 has support for two features that allow the programmer
to use a more imperative style– (1) if
statements and (2) frame conditions.
If statements¶
Kind 2 has always supported conditional expressions of the form x = if condition then expr1
else expr2
, where the if/then/else
expression either evaluates to expression1
or expression2
, depending on the value of condition
. However, in some circumstances,
it may be more natural to use if
statements that serve as control flow (rather than
evaluate to a value). For example, Kind 2 now supports statements of the form:
if condition1 then
y1 = expr1;
y2 = expr2;
elsif condition2 then
y1 = expr3;
y2 = expr4;
y1 = expr5;
y2 = expr6;
In the above block, if condition1
is true, then y1
and y2
will be set to expr1
and expr2
, respectively.
Otherwise, y1
and y2
will be set to either expr3
and expr4
or expr5
and expr6
, depending
on the value of condition2
. The if
statement is closed with
the fi
token. As with other mainstream programming languages, Kind 2 allows for arbitrary nesting of if
as well as writing if
statements that do not have any else
or elsif
Note: If statements are syntactic sugar for conditional expressions. The if
statement above is equivalent to:
y1 = if condition1 then expr1 else (if condition2 then expr3 else expr5);
y2 = if condition1 then expr2 else (if condition2 then expr4 else expr6);
Frame conditions¶
Kind 2 also has support for code blocks with frame conditions. At the beginning of the block
(denoted by the frame
keyword), the user specifies a list of variables that they wish to
define within the frame block. All variables defined within the frame block must be present in
this list. Then, initial values are optionally specified for these variables.
Variables are defined within the frame block body (denoted by the let
and tel
It is possible to leave variables (partially or fully) undefined: On the first timestep, each variable
is set equal to its initialization value, if one exists. On other timesteps, each undefined variable stutters
(it is set equal to its value on the previous timestep).
The following example involves three variables y1
, y2
, and y3
. Since y1
is left
undefined within the frame block body, it will always be equal to 0 (its initialization
value). y2
will have value 100, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
because it is set equal to its initialization value (100)
on the first timestep, but on other timesteps it is set equal to counter()
. Even though y3
is fully
defined within the frame block (with no unguarded pre
expressions), its initialization value is still used, so it is equal
to 5, 1, 2, 3, ...
node example() returns (y1, y2, y3: int);
frame ( y1, y2, y3 )
(* Initializations *)
y1 = 0; y2 = 100; y3 = 5;
(* Body *)
y2 = pre counter();
y3 = counter();
node counter() returns (y: int);
y = 0 -> pre y + 1;
Frame conditions are especially useful when combined with the if
statements described in the previous
subsection, as variables can be left undefined in some branches of the if
node example() returns (y1, y2: int);
frame ( y1, y2 )
(* Initializations *)
y1 = 0;
y2 = 100;
(* Body *)
if (counter() < 10)
y1 = counter();
y2 = counter() * 2;
node counter() returns (y: int);
y = 0 -> pre y + 1;
In the above example, y1
is left undefined in the else
branch of the if
and y2
is left undefined in the then
branch. y1
is initialized on the first timestep,
set to be equal to counter()
on the second through tenth timesteps, and then stutters (staying at 9) for the
remaining timesteps. On the other hand, y2
starts at its initialization value (100) and
stutters there for the first 10 timesteps, and then is set to counter() * 2
for the remaining timesteps.
Note that variables do not have to have initializations. When no initialization is given,
a variable’s initial value is equal to the initial value of the expression defined in the frame block body.
If the corresponding expression is undefined in the first timestep, then the variable is also
undefined in the first timestep. For example, the following code is supported because even though y1
and y2
do not have an initializations, they are present in the list of variables frame ( y1, y2 )
The initial value of y1
is 0 (the initial value assigned by counter()
), and the initial value
of y2
is undefined (due to the unguarded pre
frame ( y1, y2 )
y1 = counter();
y2 = pre counter();
node counter() returns (y: int);
y = 0 -> pre y + 1;
Also, it is still possible to assign to multiple variables at once
(equations of the form y1, y2 = (expr1, expr2);
) in either the initializations or the frame block body.
The frame block semantics may introduce unguarded pre
expressions. For example, the definition of y
in the
following code block is equivalent to y = pre y
. So, Kind 2 will produce two warning messages. The first
will state that y
is uninitialized in the frame block, and the second will state that there is
an unguarded pre
(due to this lack of initialization).
frame ( y )
Similarly, in the following code block, the definitions of y1
and y2
are equivalent to
y1 = if cond then 0 else pre y1
and y2 = if cond then pre y2 else 1
, respectively. This situation (and
any other situation where the frame block semantics result in the generation of an unguarded pre
will also generate the two warnings as discussed in the previous paragraph.
frame (y1, y2)
if cond
y1 = 0;
y2 = 1;
A frame block cannot be nested within an if statement or another frame block, as demonstrated in the following examples:
if condition
frame ( y1, y2 )
y1 = init1; y2 = init2;
y1 = 10;
frame ( y1, y2 )
y1 = init1; y2 = init2;
y1 = expr1;
frame ( y2 )
y2 = init3;
y2 = expr2;
Assertions, MAIN
annotations, and PROPERTY
annotations also
cannot be placed within if statements or frame blocks.
Since an initialization only defines a variable at the first timestep, it need not be
stateful. Therefore, a frame block initialization cannot contain any pre
or ->
operators. This restriction also ensures that initializations are never undefined.
Nondeterministic choice operator¶
There are situations in the design of reactive systems where
nondeterministic behaviors must be modeled.
Kind 2 offers a convenient binder of the form
any { x: T | P(x) }
which denotes an arbitrary stream of
values of type T
satisfying the predicate P
In the expression above x
is a locally bound variable of
Lustre type T
, and P(x)
is a Lustre boolean expression that
typically, but not necessarily, contains x
. The expression P(x)
may also contain any input, output, or local variable that
are in the scope of the any
The following example shows a component using the any
operator to define a local stream l
of arbitrary odd values.
node N(y: int) returns (z:int);
assume "y is odd" y mod 2 = 1;
guarantee "z is even" z mod 2 = 0;
var l: int;
l = any { x: int | x mod 2 = 1 };
z = y + l;
In addition, the any
operator can take any Lustre type as argument.
For instance, the expression any int
is also accepted
and denotes an arbitrary stream of values of type int
A challenge for the user with the use of any
expressions arises if
the specified condition is inconsistent, or more generally, unrealizable.
In that case, the system model may be satisfied by no execution trace.
As a consequence, any property, even an inconsistent one, would be trivially
satisfied by the (inconsistent) system model.
For instance, the condition of the any
operator in the node of
the following example is inconsistent, and thus, there is no realization of
the system model. As a result, Kind 2 proves the property P1 valid.
node N(y: int) returns (z: int);
var l: int;
l = any { x : int | x < 0 and x > 0 };
z = y + l;
check "P1" z > 0 and z < 0;
This problem is mitigated by the possibility for
the user to check that the predicate P(x)
the any
expression is realizable.
This is possible because, for each any
expression occurring in
a model, Kind 2 introduces an internal imported node whose
contract restricts the values of the returned output using
the given predicate as a guarantee.
The user can take advantage of this fact to detect issues with
the conditions of any
expressions by enabling
Kind 2’s functionality that checks
the realizability of contracts of
imported nodes. When this functionality is enabled, Kind 2 is able to
detect the problem illustrated in the example above.
It is worth mentioning that Kind 2 does not consider the surrounding
context when checking the realizability of the introduced imported node.
Because of this limitation, some checks may fail even if,
in a broader context where all constraints included in
the model are considered, the imported node would actually be considered
realizable. To mitigate this issue, Kind 2 offers an extended version of
the binder, any { x: T | P(x) } assuming { Q }
, that
allows the user to specify an assumption Q
should be taken into account in the realizability check.
For instance, the realizability check for the any
in the following example would fail if the assumption a <= b
was not included.
node N(a: int) returns (z: int);
var b: int;
b = a + 10;
z = any { x: int | a <= x and x <= b } assuming { a<=b };
check z>=a+10 => z=b;
Moreover, Kind 2 checks that any specified assumption in
a any
expression holds when model checking the component.
Polymorphic nodes¶
In some situations, the user may want to express multiple variations of a node,
where the only differences between them lie in the input and output types.
For example, consider different interface type variations of the SafePre
node, which returns the previous value of its single input, but initialized with
the first value of the input stream.
node SafePreInt(x: int) returns (y: int);
y = x -> pre x;
node SafePreBool(x: bool) returns (y: bool);
y = x -> pre x;
node Top(x1: int; x2: bool) returns (y1: int; y2: bool);
y1 = SafePreInt(y1);
y2 = SafePreBool(y2);
Kind 2 allows the user to express such variations more concisely through polymorphic nodes,
where the user includes a set of polymorphic type parameters in the node declaration
and the specific type arguments at the call site. Both polymorphic type parameters and
call-site polymorphic arguments are specified with double angle bracket syntax <<ty1; ...; tyn>>
node SafePre<<T>>(x: T) returns (y: T);
y = x -> pre x;
node Top(x1: int; x2: bool) returns (y1: int; y2: bool);
y1 = SafePre<<int>>(y1);
y2 = SafePre<<bool>>(y2);
Note that SafePre
can be called
with any type, not just primitive types (e.g. SafePre<<[int, bool]>>(.)
and SafePre<<[int, U]>>(.)
where U
is itself a type parameter in the caller’s declaration).
Type arguments must be passed at the call site; inference of type arguments is not yet supported.
Another example is a polymorphic node PairSwap
, which takes a polymorphic pair tuple as input and
returns the corresponding swapped pair tuple as output.
node PairSwap<<T; U>>(x: [T, U]) returns (y: [U, T]);
y = {x.%1, x.%0};
For a polymorphic node to be well-typed, it must be meaningful for any type instantiation (in other words, the type parameters are semantically universally quantified). This type of polymorphism is called parametric polymorphism, and is also sometimes referred to as generics in general-purpose programming languages.
To illustrate these semantics, even though the +
operator is overloaded between
int -> int -> int
and real -> real -> real
the following polymorphic node will give a type error, as it cannot be instantiated with any type.
-- Generates a type error
node BadPolymorphicAdd<<T>>(x1, x2: T) returns (y: T);
y = x1 + x2;
Note that polymorphic nodes can have check(.)
statements just as non-polymorphic nodes.
When checking properties of polymorphic nodes at the top level, the type parameters are interpreted
as abstract types.
Polymorphic contracts¶
In addition to polymorphic nodes, Kind 2 supports polymorphic contracts.
The first way of defining a polymorphic contract is by adding a type parameter to a contract definition.
For example, the Stutter
contract states that the output y
must either be equal to the input
or the previous value of x
contract Stutter<<T>> (x: T) returns (y: T) ;
(y = x) or
(true -> (y = pre x));
Then, the polymorphic contract can be included in a node using an import statement, where the type arguments are provided at the import statement (analogously to a polymorphic node declaration and node call).
contract Stutter<<T>> (x: T) returns (y: T) ;
(y = x) or
(true -> (y = pre x));
node N (x: int) returns (y: int);
import Stutter<<int>>(x) returns (y);
y = pre x;
node P<<U>>(x: U) returns (y: U);
import Stutter<<U>>(x) returns (y);
y = pre x;
Above, node N
instantiates the contract Stutter
with type int
Also, node P
demonstrates using a polymorphic contract declaration with a polymorphic
Another way of specifying a polymorphic contract is by including it in the
node declaration with the (*@contract ... *)
node M<<T>>(x: int) returns (y: int);
(y = x) or
(true -> (y = pre x));
y = pre x;