Module Flags
Parsing of command line arguments
Flags are separated based on the technique(s) they impact. *Global flags* are the ones that don't impact any technique, or impact all of them. Log flags, help flags, timeout flags... are global flags.
NB: when adding a boolean flag, make sure to parse its value with the `bool_of_string` function.
Adding a new (non-global) flag to an existing module
Adding a new flag impacts three pieces of code. The first is the body of the module you're adding the flag to. Generally speaking, adding a flag looks like
(* Default value of the flag. *)
let my_flag_default = ...
(* Reference storing the value of the flag. *)
let my_flag = ref my_flag_default
(* Add flag specification to module specs. *)
let _ = add_spec (
(* The actual flag. *)
(* What to do with the value given to the flag, see other flags. *)
(* Flag description. *)
fun fmt ->
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[<v>Description of my flag.@ Default: %a@]"
pp_print_default_value_of_my_flag my_flag_default
(* Flag value accessor. *)
let my_flag () = !my_flag
At this point your flag is integrated in the Kind 2 flags.
To make it available to the rest of Kind 2, you need to modify the signature of the module you added the flag to
- in this file, where the module is declared, and
- in `flags.mli`.
The update to the signature is typically
val my_flag : unit -> type_of_my_flag
Adding a new flag module
The template to add a new module is
module MyModule : sig
include FlagModule
end = struct
(* Identifier of the module. No space or special characters. *)
let id = "..."
(* Short description of the module. *)
let desc = "..."
(* Explanation of the module. *)
let fmt_explain fmt =
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v>\
(* All the flag specification of this module. *)
let all_specs = ref []
let add_specs specs = all_specs := !all_specs @ specs
let add_spec spec = add_specs [spec]
(* Returns all the flag specification of this module. *)
let all_specs () = !all_specs
Don't forget to update `flags.mli`:
module MyModule : sig
include FlagModule
You then need to add your module to the `module_map`, the association map between module identifiers and modules. Make sure the identifier for your module is not used yet.
You can now add modules following the instructions in the previous section.
- author
- Christoph Sticksel, Adrien Champion *
Accessors for flags
Meta flags
Generic flags
val all_input_files : unit -> string list
All lustre files in the cone of influence of the input file.
Clears the lustre files in the cone of influence of the input file.
val clear_input_files : unit -> unit
Clears the lustre files in the cone of influence of the input file.
Adds a lustre file in the cone of influence of the input file.
Returns false if the cone of influence already contains the file
val add_input_file : string -> bool
Adds a lustre file in the cone of influence of the input file.
Returns false if the cone of influence already contains the file
val input_format : unit -> input_format
val output_dir : unit -> string
Output directory for the files Kind 2 generates.
val real_precision : unit -> real_precision
val log_invs : unit -> bool
Minimizes and logs invariants as contracts.
val log_level : unit -> Lib.log_level
Verbosity level
type enable
= Lib.kind_module list
The Kind modules enabled is a list of
val enabled : unit -> enable
The modules enabled.
val invgen_enabled : unit -> enable
Returns the invariant generation techniques currently enabled.
val disable : Lib.kind_module -> unit
Manually disables a module.
module Smt : sig ... end
module BmcKind : sig ... end
module IC3 : sig ... end
module QE : sig ... end
module Contracts : sig ... end
module Certif : sig ... end
module IVC : sig ... end
module MCS : sig ... end
module Arrays : sig ... end
Testgen flags
module Testgen : sig ... end
module Invgen : sig ... end
module C2I : sig ... end
module Interpreter : sig ... end
Convenience functions
Parsing of the command line
Parsing of the command line arguments is performed when loading this module.