Module Flags.Smt

SMT solver flags

type logic = [
| `None
| `detect
| `Logic of string

Logic sendable to the SMT solver.

val logic : unit -> logic

Logic to send to the SMT solver

type solver = [
| `Yices_SMTLIB
| `Yices_native
| `detect

Legal SMT solvers.

val set_solver : solver -> unit

Set SMT solver and executable

val solver : unit -> solver

Which SMT solver to use.

val check_sat_assume : unit -> bool

Use check-sat with assumptions, or simulate with push/pop

val set_check_sat_assume : bool -> unit
val short_names : unit -> bool

Send short names to SMT solver

val set_short_names : bool -> unit

Change sending of short names to SMT solver

val z3_bin : unit -> string

Executable of Z3 solver

val cvc4_bin : unit -> string

Executable of CVC4 solver

val yices_bin : unit -> string

Executable of Yices solver

val yices2smt2_bin : unit -> string

Executable of Yices2 SMT2 solver

val yices2_smt2models : unit -> bool

Yices 2 binary supports models in SMT2 format *

val set_yices2_smt2models : bool -> unit
val set_trace : bool -> unit

Forces SMT traces.

Write all SMT commands to files

val trace : unit -> bool

Write all SMT commands to files

val trace_dir : unit -> string

Path to the smt trace directory.