Module Flags.IC3

IC3 flags

type qe = [
| `Z3
| `Z3_impl
| `Z3_impl2
| `Cooper

Algorithm usable for quantifier elimination in IC3.

val qe : unit -> qe

The QE algorithm IC3 should use.

val set_qe : qe -> unit

Sets qe.

val check_inductive : unit -> bool

Check inductiveness of blocking clauses.

val print_to_file : unit -> string option

File for inductive blocking clauses.

val inductively_generalize : unit -> int

Tighten blocking clauses to an unsatisfiable core.

val block_in_future : unit -> bool

Block counterexample in future frames.

val block_in_future_first : unit -> bool

Block counterexample in future frames first before returning to frame.

val fwd_prop_non_gen : unit -> bool

Also propagate clauses before generalization.

val fwd_prop_ind_gen : unit -> bool

Inductively generalize all clauses after forward propagation.

val fwd_prop_subsume : unit -> bool

Subsumption in forward propagation.

val use_invgen : unit -> bool

Use invariants from invariant generators.

type abstr = [
| `None
| `IA

Legal abstraction mechanisms for in IC3.

val abstr : unit -> abstr

Abstraction mechanism IC3 should use.

type extract = [
| `First
| `Vars

Legal heuristics for extraction of implicants in IC3.

val extract : unit -> extract

Heuristic for extraction of implicants in IC3.