Module Symbol
Kind's symbols
The term representation is modeled after the SMTLIB 2.0 standard and the symbols are a subset of the symbols defined in the SMTLIB theories Core and Reals_Ints with the addition of uninterpreted symbols.
Most symbols are variadic and associativity is to be understood as defined in the SMTLIB standard:
nullary: Boolean true value`FALSE
nullary: Boolean false value`NOT
unary: Boolean negation`IMPLIES
variadic, right-associative: Boolean implication`AND
variadic, left-associative: Boolean conjunction`OR
variadic, left-associative: Boolean disjunction`XOR
variadic, left-associative: Boolean exclusice disjunction`EQ
variadic, chainable: equality between terms`DISTINCT
variadic, pairwise: distict predicate on terms`ITE
ternary: if-then-else`NUMERAL i
nullary: integer numeral`DECIMAL f
nullary: floating-point decimal`UBV b
nullary: constant unsigned bitvector`BV b
nullary: consant bitvector`MINUS
variadic, left-associative: difference or a unary negation`PLUS
variadic, left-associative: sum`TIMES
variadic, left-associative: product`DIV
variadic, left-associative: real quotient`INTDIV
variadic, left-associative: integer quotient`MOD
binary: modulus`ABS
unary: absolute value`LEQ
chainable: less than or equal relation`LT
chainable: less than relation`GEQ
chainable: greater than or equal relation`GT
chainable: greater than relation`TO_REAL
unary: conversion to a real number`TO_INT
unary: conversion to an integer number`IS_INT
unary: real is an integer`DIVISIBLE n
unary: divisibilibty by n`BVNOT
unary: bit-wise negation`BVNEG
unary: arithmetic negation (unary)`BVAND
binary: bit-wise conjunction`BVOR
binary: bit-wise disjunction`BVADD
binary: signed bitvector sum`BVSUB
binary: signed bitvector difference`BVMUL
binary: arithmetic multiplication`BVUDIV
binary: arithmetic integer division`BVSDIV
binary: arithmetic integer signed division`BVUREM
binary: arithmetic remainder`BVSREM
binary: arithmetic signed remainder`BVSHL
binary: logical shift left`BVLSHR
binary: logical shift right`BVASHR
binary: arithmetic shift right`BVULT
binary: arithmetic comparision less than`BVULE
binary: arithmetic comparision less than or equal to`BVUGT
binary: arithmetic comparision greater than`BVUGE
binary: arithmetic comparision greater than or equal to`BVSLT
signed binary: arithmetic comparision less than`BVSLE
signed binary: arithmetic comparision less than or equal to`BVSGT
signed binary: arithmetic comparision greater than`BVSGE
signed binary: arithmetic comparision greater than or equal to`BVEXTRACT (i, j)
unary: extract subsequence from bitvector`BVCONCAT
binary: concatenation of bitvectors`BVSIGNEXT i
unary: sign extension of bitvectors`SELECT
binary: selection from array`STORE
ternary: update of an array
A chainable symbol is to be read as the conjunction of successive pairs, for example (<= 1 2 3)
is equivalent to (and (<= 1 2)
(<= 2 3))
. A pairwise symbol is to be read as the conjunction of each pair of arguments, for example (distinct a b c)
is (and
(distinct a b) (distinct a c) (distinct b c))
In addition to these interpreted symbols we use the following symbols
`UF u
variadic: uninterpreted symbol
Symbols are hashconsed so that we can rely on physical equality for comparison, however, as of now there are no useful properties to be stored alongside symbols. In particular the `NUMERAL i
and `SYM (s, t)
symbols need to be hashconsed for physical equality.
- author
- Christoph Sticksel, Arjun Viswanathan
Types and hash-consing
type interpreted_symbol
Boolean true value (nullary)
Boolean false value (nullary)
Boolean negation (unary)
Boolean implication (right-associative)
Boolean conjunction (left-associative)
Boolean disjunction (left-associative)
Boolean exclusive disjunction (left-associative)
Equality between terms (chainable)
Pairwise distinct predicate (chainable)
If-then-else (ternary)
`NUMERAL of Numeral.t
Infinite precision integer numeral (nullary)
`DECIMAL of Decimal.t
infinite precision floating-point decimal (nullary)
`UBV of Bitvector.t
Constant unsigned bitvector
`BV of Bitvector.t
Constant bitvector
Difference or unary negation (left-associative)
Sum (left-associative)
Product (left-associative)
Real quotient (left-associative)
Integer quotient (left-associative)
Modulus (binary)
Absolute value (unary)
Less than or equal relation (chainable)
Less than relation (chainable)
Greater than or equal relation (chainable)
Greater than relation (chainable)
Conversion to a floating-point decimal (unary)
Conversion to an unsigned integer numeral (unary)
Conversion to an unsigned integer8 numeral (unary)
Conversion to an unsigned integer16 numeral (unary)
Conversion to an unsigned integer32 numeral (unary)
Conversion to an unsigned integer64 numeral (unary)
Conversion to an integer8 numeral (unary)
Conversion to an integer16 numeral (unary)
Conversion to an integer32 numeral (unary)
Conversion to an integer64 numeral (unary)
Conversion from bitvector to a natural number
Real is an integer (unary)
`DIVISIBLE of Numeral.t
Divisible by
Bit-wise negation (unary)
Arithmetic negation (unary)
Bit-wise conjunction (binary)
Bit-wise disjunction (binary)
Signed bitvector sum (binary)
Signed bitvector difference (binary)
Arithmetic multiplication (binary)
Arithmetic integer division (binary)
Arithmetic integer signed division (binary)
Arithmetic remainder (binary)
Arithmetic signed remainder (binary)
Logical shift left (binary)
Logical shift right (binary)
Arithmetic shift right (binary)
`BVEXTRACT of Numeral.t * Numeral.t
Extract subsequence from bitvector (unary)
Concatenation of bitvectors (binary)
`BVSIGNEXT of Numeral.t
Sign extension of bitvector (unary)
`SELECT of Type.t
Update of an array (ternary)
The interpreted symbols
type symbol
`UF of UfSymbol.t
Uninterpreted symbol (fixed arity)
Adding uninterpreted function symbols separately for conversions from expressions in the SMT solver interface
Hashtables, maps and sets
val hash_symbol : t -> int
Hashing function on symbols
module SymbolHashtbl : Stdlib.Hashtbl.S with type SymbolHashtbl.key = t
Hash table over symbols
Static symbols
val s_true : t
Constant Boolean value symbol
val s_false : t
Constant Boolean value symbol
val s_not : t
Constant negation symbol
val s_and : t
Constant conjunction symbol
val s_or : t
Constant disjunction symbol
val s_implies : t
Constant implication symbol
val s_ite : t
Constant ite symbol
val s_eq : t
Constant equality symbol
val s_geq : t
Constant greater than or equal symbol
val s_leq : t
Constant less than or equal symbol
val s_gt : t
Constant greater than symbol
val s_lt : t
Constant less than symbol
val s_mod : t
Constant modulus operator symbol
val s_plus : t
Constant plus operator symbol
val s_minus : t
Constant minus operator symbol
val s_times : t
Constant times operator symbol
val s_div : t
Constant division operator symbol
val s_store : t
array store symbol
Accessors functions
val is_numeral : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is a numeral
val is_decimal : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is a decimal
val is_bitvector : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is a bitvector
val is_ubitvector : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is an unsigned bitvector
val is_ubv8 : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is an unsigned bitvector of size 8
val is_ubv16 : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is an unsigned bitvector of size 16
val is_ubv32 : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is an unsigned bitvector of size 32
val is_ubv64 : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is an unsigned bitvector of size 64
val is_bv8 : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is a bitvector of size 8
val is_bv16 : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is a bitvector of size 16
val is_bv32 : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is a bitvector of size 32
val is_bv64 : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is a bitvector of size 64
val is_to_uint8 : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is a touint8
val is_to_uint16 : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is a touint16
val is_to_uint32 : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is a touint32
val is_to_uint64 : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is a touint64
val is_to_int8 : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is a toint8
val is_to_int16 : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is a toint16
val is_to_int32 : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is a toint32
val is_to_int64 : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is a toint64
val is_select : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is select from array
val is_divisible : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is the divisible function
val is_bool : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is
val is_ite : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is
val bitvector_of_symbol : t -> Bitvector.t
Return the bitvector in a
`BV _
val ubitvector_of_symbol : t -> Bitvector.t
Return the ubitvector in a
`UBV _
val bool_of_symbol : t -> bool
for the`TRUE
symbol andfalse
for the`FALSE
val is_uf : t -> bool
Return true if the symbol is uninterpreted
val uf_of_symbol : t -> UfSymbol.t
Return the uninterpreted symbol of a symbol
val pp_print_symbol : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
Pretty-print a symbol
val string_of_symbol : t -> string
Return a string representation of a symbol
val string_of_symbol_node : symbol -> string
Return a string representation of a symbol