Module Decimal

Arbitrary precision real numbers

Christoph Sticksel
type t

Type of arbitrary precision rational numbers

Pretty-printing and String Representation

val pp_print_decimal : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print a rational

val pp_print_decimal_as_float : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print a rational as an f64 (used by compilation to Rust)

val pp_print_decimal_as_lus_real : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print a rational as an f64 (used by contract generation)

val pp_print_decimal_approximation : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print a rational in scientific format with the error magnitude

val pp_print_decimal_sexpr : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print a rational as an S-expression

val pp_print_decimal_as_json : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val string_of_decimal : t -> string

Return a string representation of a rational

val string_of_decimal_sexpr : t -> string

Return an S-expression string representation of a rational


val of_int : int -> t

Convert an integer to a rational

val of_big_int : Big_int.big_int -> t

Convert an arbitrary large integer to a rational

val of_num : Num.num -> t

Convert an ocaml Num to a rational

val of_string : string -> t

Convert a string in floating-point notation 1.2E3 to rational number

val to_int : t -> int

Convert a rational number to a rational

Truncates the rational number to an integer and raises the exception Failure "int_of_big_int" if the numeral cannot be represented as an integer.

val to_big_int : t -> Big_int.big_int

Convert a rational number to an arbitrary large integer

val is_int : t -> bool

Return true if decimal coincides with an integer

val sign : t -> int

Returns 0 on zero, 1 for positives and -1 for negatives. Works also on infinites but fails on undefined.

val epsilon : int -> t

Returns the rational 2^p with signed p.

val magnitude : t -> int

Returns a signed integer n such that 2^(n-1) < |dec| < 2^n or 0 if dec is null.


val zero : t

The rational number zero

val one : t

The rational number one

Arithmetic operations

val succ : t -> t


val pred : t -> t


val abs : t -> t

Absolute value

val neg : t -> t

Unary negation

val add : t -> t -> t


val sub : t -> t -> t


val mult : t -> t -> t


val div : t -> t -> t


val rem : t -> t -> t


Infix operators

val (~-) : t -> t

Unary negation

val (+) : t -> t -> t


val (-) : t -> t -> t


val (*) : t -> t -> t


val (/) : t -> t -> t


val (mod) : t -> t -> t


Comparison operators

val equal : t -> t -> bool


val compare : t -> t -> int


val leq : t -> t -> bool

Less than or equal predicate

val lt : t -> t -> bool

Less than predicate

val geq : t -> t -> bool

Greater than or equal predicate

val gt : t -> t -> bool

Greater than predicate

Infix operators

val (=) : t -> t -> bool


val (<>) : t -> t -> bool


val (<=) : t -> t -> bool

Less than or equal predicate

val (<) : t -> t -> bool

Less than predicate

val (>=) : t -> t -> bool

Greater than or equal predicate

val (>) : t -> t -> bool

Greater than predicate