Module Property

type prop_status =
| PropUnknown
| PropKTrue of int
| PropInvariant of Certificate.t
| PropFalse of (StateVar.t * Model.value list) list

Current status of a property

type t = {
prop_name : string;
prop_source : prop_source;
prop_term : Term.t;
mutable prop_status : prop_status;

A property of a transition system

and prop_source =
| PropAnnot of Lib.position
| Generated of StateVar.t list
| Instantiated of Scope.t * t
| Assumption of Lib.position * string list
| Guarantee of Lib.position * Scope.t
| GuaranteeOneModeActive of Lib.position * Scope.t
| GuaranteeModeImplication of Lib.position * Scope.t
| Candidate of prop_source option

Source of a property

val copy : t -> t
val pp_print_prop_source : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> prop_source -> unit

Pretty-prints a property source.

val pp_print_prop_status : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> prop_status -> unit

Pretty-prints a property status.

val pp_print_prop_quiet : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-prints a property (name and source only).

val pp_print_property : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-prints a property.

val prop_status_known : prop_status -> bool

Return true if the status of the property is known

val set_prop_status : t -> prop_status -> unit
val set_prop_invariant : t -> Certificate.t -> unit
val set_prop_ktrue : t -> int -> unit
val set_prop_false : t -> (StateVar.t * Model.value list) list -> unit
val set_prop_unknown : t -> unit
val length_of_cex : (StateVar.t * Model.value list) list -> int
val get_prop_status : t -> prop_status