Module Certificate

Certificates for Kind 2. This contains the base type as well as some combinators for certificates.

Alain Mebsout
type t = int * Term.t

The type of certificates

type symbols = {
phi : string;

Name of function symbol for k-inductive invariant

init : string;

Name of function symbol for init

prop : string;

Name of function symbol for property

trans : string;

Name of function symbol for transition relation

type out = {
k : int;

k of certificate

names : symbols;

names for I, T, P and PHI

dirname : string;

Directory where certificates and proofs are produced

proofname : string;

Name for the final LFSC proof

base : string;

File name for base case check

induction : string;

File name for inductive case check

implication : string;

File name for implication of property check

dummy_trace : string;

File name for dummy file to trace function definitions in LFSC


The type of certificates outputs, these are file names for the intermediate SMT-LIB 2 certificates

type system = {
names : symbols;
smt2_file : string;
smt2_lfsc_trace_file : string;
type invariant = {
k : int;
name : string;
dirname : string;
phi_file : string;
phi_lfsc_trace_file : string;
base : string;

File name for base case check

induction : string;

File name for inductive case check

implication : string;

File name for implication of property check

for_system : system;
kind2_system : system;
jkind_system : system;
obs_system : system;
val merge : t list -> t

Merge certificates into one. The resulting certificate is a certificate for the conjunction of the original invariants.

val split : t -> t list

Split a certificate following the boolean strucutre of its inductive invariant

val split_certs : t list -> t list

Split a list of certificates

val size : t -> int

Gives a measure to compare the size of the inductive invariants contained in a certificate.