Module type Trie.S
Output signature is an extended map
val empty : 'a t
The empty trie
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
if the trie is empty
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
Bind a value to the key in the trie
Overwrite if the value if the leaf already exists, fail if the sequence of keys is a prefix of a previous sequence, or if a previous sequence is a prefix of the given sequence.
val merge : (key -> 'a option -> 'b option -> 'c option) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t
val compare : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> int
Comparision function on tries
val fold : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b
Reduce trie to a value by applying the function to all values
val for_all : (key -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool
if the given predicate evaluates totrue
for all key value pairs in the trie
val exists : (key -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool
if there is a key value pair in the trie for which the given predicate evaluates totrue
val filter : (key -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t
Return a trie that only contains the key value pairs that satisfy the predicate
val cardinal : 'a t -> int
Return the number of bindings in the trie
val bindings : 'a t -> (key * 'a) list
Return an association list of key to bindings in the trie
The keys are returned in lexicographic order.
val min_binding : 'a t -> key * 'a
val max_binding : 'a t -> key * 'a
val choose : 'a t -> key * 'a
val split : key -> 'a t -> 'a t * 'a option * 'a t
val find : key -> 'a t -> 'a
Return the value for the key in the trie
val mapi : (key -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
Return a new trie with the function applied to the values
The key is given as the first argument to the function.
val mem_prefix : key -> 'a t -> bool
if there is a subtrie starting at the given key prefix
val values : 'a t -> 'a list
Return the values in the trie
The values are returned in lexicographic order.
val fold2 : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c -> 'c
Fold over two tries with identical keys
fold2 f t1 t2 a
to each pair of values in oft1
that have identical keys. The keys are presented in lexicographic order. Raise exceptionInvalid_argument "Trie.fold2"
if the sets of keys the trie are not equal
val map2 : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t
Map over two tries with identical keys
map2 f t1 t2
to each pair of values in oft1
that have identical keys and produces a new trie from the result. The keys are presented in lexicographic order. Raise exceptionInvalid_argument "Trie.map2"
if the sets of keys the trie are not equal
val iter2 : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> unit) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> unit
Iterate over two tries with identical keys
iter2 f t1 t2
applies the unit valued functionf
to each pair of values in oft1
that have identical keys. The keys are presented in lexicographic order. Raise exceptionInvalid_argument "Trie.iter2"
if the sets of keys the trie are not equal.
val for_all2 : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> bool
Check if all pairs of bindings in the trie satisfy the predicate
for_all2 p t1 t2
returns true ifp
evaluates to true for all pairs of bindings in t1 and t2 with identical keys. Raise exceptionInvalid_argument "Trie.for_all2"
if the sets of keys the trie are not equal.
val exists2 : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> bool
Check if there is a binding in the trie that satisfies the predicate
exists2 p t1 t2
returns true ifp
evaluates to true for at least one pair of bindings with identical keys int1
. Raise exceptionInvalid_argument "Trie.exists2"
if the sets of keys the trie are not equal.
val subsume : 'a t -> key -> (key * 'a) list * 'a t
Return a new trie containing only entries with keys that are not subsets of the given key
subsume t k
assumes that all keys in the triet
, and the keyk
are sorted and do not contain duplicates. It returns a new trie with all entries for keys that are subsets ofk
val is_subsumed : 'a t -> key -> bool
if there is a key in the trie such that all elements of that key are in the given key.is_subsumed t k
assumes that all keys in the triet
, and the keyk
are sorted and do not contain duplicates.
val pp_print_trie : (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (key * 'a) -> unit) -> ('b, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit) Stdlib.format -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
Pretty-print bindings in the trie with a printer for key and value pairs
pp_print_trie f s p t
prints to the formatterp
all bindings of the trie in lexicographic order of the keys with the printerf
for key and value pairs. Each binding is separated by the format strings