Module TestgenIO

type _ t

Stores IO things to log testcases to xml.

val mk : 'a InputSystem.t -> TransSys.t -> string -> string -> string -> 'a t
val rm : 'a t -> unit

Closes internal file descriptors.

val testcase_count : 'a t -> int

The number of testcases generated.

val error_count : 'a t -> int

The number of errors generated.

val log_testcase : 'a t -> Scope.t list list -> Model.t -> Numeral.t -> unit

log_testcase t modes model k logs a test case of length k represented by model model and activating modes modes using the info in t.

val log_deadlock : 'a t -> Scope.t list list -> Model.t -> Numeral.t -> unit

log_deadlock t modes model k logs a deadlock trace of length k represented by model model and activating modes modes using the info in t.

val log_test_glue_file : string -> string -> (string * (Lib.position * int) list * (string * Lib.position * int) list) -> string -> string list -> unit

Logs the top level XML glue file.