Module TermAttr
Attributes for annotated terms
An attribute is currently only a name for a term.
- author
- Christoph Sticksel
Types and hash-consing
Hashtables, maps and sets
val hash_attr : t -> int
Hashing function on attribute
module AttrHashtbl : Stdlib.Hashtbl.S with type AttrHashtbl.key = t
Hash table over attributes
val mk_named : string -> int -> t
Return a name attribute
val fundef : t
Return a fun-def attribute
Accessor functions
val is_named : t -> bool
Return true if the attribute is a name
val is_fundef : t -> bool
Return true if the attribute is a name
val named_of_attr : t -> string * int
Return the name in a name attribute, raises
for other attributes
val pp_print_attr : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
Pretty-print a hashconsed attribute
val print_attr : t -> unit
Pretty-print a hashconsed attribute to the standard formatter
val string_of_attr : t -> string
Return a string representation of a hashconsed attribute