Module SolverResponse

Solver commands and responses

type error_response = [
| `Error of string
| `Timeout

Type of reponses for errors

type no_response = [
| `NoResponse
type decl_response = [
| no_response
| `Unsupported
| `Success
| error_response

Type of reponses for declaration and definition commands

type check_sat_response = [
| `Sat
| `Unsat
| `Unknown
| error_response

Type of reponses for check-sat commands

type get_value_response = [
| `Values of (Term.t * Term.t) list
| error_response

Type of reponses for get-value commands. It carries the model.

type get_model_response = [
| `Model of (UfSymbol.t * Model.value) list
| error_response

Type of reponses for get-model commands. It carries the model.

type get_unsat_core_response = [
| `Unsat_core of string list
| error_response

Type of reponses for get-unsat-core commands. It carries the unsat core.

type custom_response = [
| `Custom of HStringSExpr.t list
| error_response

Type of reponses for custom commands

type response = [
| decl_response
| check_sat_response
| get_value_response
| get_model_response
| get_unsat_core_response
| custom_response

Type of all possible responses of a solver

val pp_print_response : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> response -> unit

Pretty-print a response to a command