Module type SExprBase.S

Output signature of the functor Make

type atom

Atom in an S-expression

type t =
| Atom of atom
| List of t list

S-expression is either an atom or a list of S-expressions

val pp_print_sexpr : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print an S-expression

val pp_print_sexpr_list : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t list -> unit

Pretty-print a list of S-expressions enclosed in parentheses

val print_sexpr : t -> unit

Pretty-print an S-expression to the standard formatter

val pp_print_sexpr_indent : int -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print an S-expression

val pp_print_sexpr_indent_compact : int -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val string_of_sexpr : t -> string

Return a string representation of an S-Expression