Module PostAnalysis
module type PostAnalysis = sig ... end
Signature of modules for post-analysis treatment.
module RunTestGen : PostAnalysis
module RunContractGen : PostAnalysis
module RunRustGen : PostAnalysis
module RunInvLog : PostAnalysis
module RunInvPrint : PostAnalysis
module RunCertif : PostAnalysis
module RunIVC : PostAnalysis
module RunMCS : PostAnalysis
val run_mcs_post_analysis : 'a InputSystem.t -> Analysis.param -> (bool -> bool -> Lib.kind_module list -> 'a InputSystem.t -> Analysis.param -> TransSys.t -> unit) -> TransSys.t -> unit Res.res
val run : 'a InputSystem.t -> Scope.t -> (bool -> bool -> Lib.kind_module list -> 'a InputSystem.t -> Analysis.param -> TransSys.t -> unit) -> Analysis.results -> unit
Runs the post-analysis things on a system and its results.