Module Messaging.Make
Functor to instantiate the messaging system with a type of messages
type relay_message
= T.t
type output_message
Log of int * string
Log message with level
Stat of string
Progress of int
A message to be output to the user
type control_message
Process is ready
Request reply from process
Request termination of process
Resend of int
Request resending of relay message
A message internal to the messaging system
type message
OutputMessage of output_message
Output to user
ControlMessage of control_message
Message internal to the messaging system
RelayMessage of int * relay_message
Message to be broadcast to worker processes
A message
val init_im : unit -> (ctx * socket * socket) * (string * string)
Create a messaging context and bind ports for the invariant manager. Return a pair of pub socket and pull socket and pair of addresses of pub and pull sockets for workers to connect to.
Call this function before forking the processes, the first return argument must only be used by the parent process, the child processes must use the socket addresses in the second return argument.
val init_worker : Lib.kind_module -> string -> string -> ctx * socket * socket
Create a messaging context and bind given ports for a worker process. Return a messaging context and a pair of sub and push sockets.
val run_im : (ctx * socket * socket) -> (int * Lib.kind_module) list -> (exn -> unit) -> unit
Start the background thread for the invariant manager, using the given context and sockets. The second parameter is a list of PIDs and the kind of worker processes to watch, the third argument is the function to call to handle exceptions.
val run_worker : (ctx * socket * socket) -> Lib.kind_module -> (exn -> unit) -> thread
Start the background thread for a worker process, using the given context and sockets. The second parameter is type of worker process, the third is the function to call to handle exceptions.
val send_relay_message : relay_message -> unit
Broadcast a message to the worker processes
val send_output_message : output_message -> unit
Send a message to the invariant manager for output to the user
val recv : unit -> (Lib.kind_module * message) list
Receive messages queued by the background thread
val update_child_processes_list : (int * Lib.kind_module) list -> unit
Notifies the background thread of a new list of child processes. Used by the supervisor in a modular analysis when restarting.
val purge_im_mailbox : (ctx * socket * socket) -> unit
Purge the invariant manager mailbox. Should be called before calling update_child_processes_list in order to get rid of messages from the previous analysis.
val check_termination : unit -> bool
Returns true if a termination message was received. Does NOT modify received message in any way.
val exit : thread -> unit
Request the background thread of a worker process to terminate