Module LustreDependencies
module I = LustreIdent
module ISet = I.Set
module IMap = I.Hashtbl
module A = LustreAst
Unknown_decl of decl * I.t * Lib.position
Reference to an unknown declaration.
val pp_print_decl : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> decl -> unit
Pretty printer for declarations.
val empty : t
Empty dependency context.
val add : t -> (decl * LustreIdent.t) -> (decl * LustreIdent.t) -> unit
Adds a dependency in a dependency context.
val mem : t -> (decl * LustreIdent.t) -> (decl * LustreIdent.t) -> bool
Checks if a declaration depends on another.
val info_of_decl : LustreAst.declaration -> Lib.position * LustreIdent.t * decl
Identifier corresponding to a declaration.
val insert_decl : LustreAst.declaration -> (decl * LustreIdent.t) -> LustreAst.declaration list -> LustreAst.declaration list
Inserts a declaration in a list of declarations, after the one with name