Module InvGenGraph
Graph representing equivalence classes and ordering between some terms.
There's one graph module per domain we are interested in: bool, int and real. They're generated by a common functor using the domains from InvGenDomain
module Lsd = LockStepDriver
LSD module.
type term
= Term.t
Maps terms to something.
type 'a map
= 'a Term.TermHashtbl.t
Maps terms to something.
Set of terms.
type set
= Term.TermSet.t
Set of terms.
val write_dot_to : string -> string -> string -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
write_dot_to path name suff fmt graph
Writes a graph in graphviz to file<path>/<name>_<suff>.dot
module type Graph = sig ... end
Signature of the modules created by the graph functor.
module EqOnly : sig ... end
Graph modules for equivalence only.