Module Term.Abbrev

val (?%@) : int -> t

Prefix operator to create an numeral

val (!@) : t -> t

Prefix operator to create an Boolean negation

val (=>@) : t -> t -> t

Infix operator to create a Boolean implication

val (&@) : t -> t -> t

Infix operator to create a Boolean conjunction

val (|@) : t -> t -> t

Infix operator to create a Boolean disjunction

val (=@) : t -> t -> t

Infix operator to create an equality

val (~@) : t -> t

Prefix operator to create an integer or real negation

val (-@) : t -> t -> t

Infix operator to create an integer or real difference

val (+@) : t -> t -> t

Infix operator to create an integer or real sum

val (*@) : t -> t -> t

Infix operator to create an integer or real product

val (//@) : t -> t -> t

Infix operator to create a real quotient

val (/%@) : t -> t -> t

Infix operator to create an integer quotient

val (<=@) : t -> t -> t

Infix operator to create a less-or-equal predicate

val (<@) : t -> t -> t

Infix operator to create a less-than predicate

val (>=@) : t -> t -> t

Infix operator to create a greater-or-equal predicate

val (>@) : t -> t -> t

Infix operator to create a greater-than predicate